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MCLEasy "All MCLE should be this easy!"

Earn MCLE Credits by Watching Streaming Video



Welcome to MCLEasy where you can earn your California MCLE credits by watching streaming video. You can fulfill your requirements at your home or office anytime of day or night. It is convenient, fast and reasonably priced. No travel. No quizzes. No hassles. Take your first course now.

See an excerpt from our "Detection of Substance Abuse" presentation by Stacey Payne:  Excerpt 


We go out of our way to make the site as convenient and approachable as possible. All of our courses are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You can participate from the convenience of your home or office or anywhere you can connect to the internet. And you can split any course into several shorter sessions.

The participatory versions are available either with a simple and convenient periodic key response or by verification by another attorney.

Your Member Status Page

You can view your State Bar MCLE status anytime using your own "Member Status Page". It is a convenient way to plan and review your curriculum. It is completely free and doesn't even require that you take a course from us.

Of course we keep track of each course you take from MCLEasy, but we also provide an easy way for you to plan your entire MCLE curriculum. We will even track the courses you take from other providers so that all of your credits can be reviewed in one place. Register now. The benefits are great and there is no obligation.

New members register here:  Register 

Top Tier Presenters Deliver Quality Content

All of our courses are prepared and presented by professionals recognized in their field.

Read about our presenters here:  Presenters 

Our presenters keep current in their area of specialty and they keep their presentations current also. Each course shows when it was last updated.

Review our Course Catalogue here:  Courses 

Cutting Edge Technology

Each presentation is recorded using the latest equipment. We use Apple's QuickTime streaming video server technology to deliver a large format (640 x 480) image to your browser.

Competitive Pricing

Our prices are among the most reasonable available. In addition, we offer discount packages for law firms and other groups.


We use PayPal to process your credit card information. We get no record of your credit card information.

Judicial Review

See how judges are rated and rate them yourself:  Judicial Review